Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people in working life
 — presentation of relevant actions by local and regional authorities
Corporate AuthorCommittee of the Regions, European Union - EU
PublisherOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2003
Pages456 pp (CoR Studies E-2/2003)
SourceOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities, L-2985, Luxembourg.
KeywordsEmployment of older people ; Retirement policy ; European Union ; Regional ; Local ; Europe.
AnnotationThe Lisbon Summit set a target for raising employment rates in the European Union (EU) by 2010. More specifically, the 2001 Stockholm Summit called on Member States to encourage older workers (particularly those aged 45-64) to rejoin or re-enter the labour market. This study aims to highlight local and regional dimensions of active ageing, in the light of targets set at recent EU Summits. It presents case studies of good practice for the 15 Member States: employment and training initiatives, also regional policies that support the older workforce. A final section compares these best practices, to identify similarities and possible trends at the European level. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041130005 B
ClassmarkGC: G5: WFC: 5CP: 5CT: 74

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