Centre for Policy on Ageing


Living longer
 — ageing, development and social protection
Author(s)Peter Lloyd-Sherlock
Corporate AuthorUnited National Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
PublisherZed Books, on behalf of the United National Research Institute for Social Development, London, 2004
Pages308 pp
SourceZed Books, 7 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF. E-mail: zed@zedbooks.demon.co.uk Website: http://www.zedbooks.co.uk
KeywordsAgeing process ; Well being ; Social welfare ; Informal care ; Comparison ; International.
AnnotationOlder people's well-being and quality of life are strongly conditioned by their capacity to manage opportunities and risks; and social protection can play a key role in mediating these processes. This book is divided into three sections. It examines relationships between older people's well-being and processes of development, and takes examples from a diverse range of low-, middle- and high-income countries. Part 1 explores the well-being of older people in very different development contexts: the UK, Brazil, Ukraine and China. Part 2 focuses on formal social protection, and includes evaluations of pensions schemes in four middle-income countries, an assessment of Japan's new long-term care insurance fund, and a comparison of health care financing for pensioners in the US and Argentina. Part 3 considers informal care, with reference to intergenerational relationships in Ghana, informal care in Mexico, and the impact of HIV/AIDS in Thailand. This book is largely derived from an UNRISD workshop on Ageing, Development and Social Protection, held in Madrid in April 2002 as part of the Second World Assembly on Ageing. A key message is the danger of generalisation: older people are an extremely heterogeneous group, with varying needs, capabilities and expectations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041130001 B
ClassmarkBG: D:F:5HH: TY: P6: 48: 72

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