Centre for Policy on Ageing


General slowing or decreased inhibition?
 — mathematical models of age differences in cognitive functioning
Author(s)Sy-Miin Chow, John R Nesselroade
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 59B, no 3, May 2004
Pagespp P101-P109
KeywordsCognitive processes ; Performance ; Mental ageing ; Age groups [elderly] ; Mathematical models.
AnnotationResearchers have attempted to explain age-related decrements in cognitive performance in terms of reduced processing speed or decreased ability to inhibit irrelevant thoughts. The authors present these ideas in the context of a dynamic model derived from extensions of the classical predator-prey equation. Reduced processing speed in older people is represented by use of delays in the dynamic model, whereas the interference imposed by distractors is captured by use of the predator-prey interaction term. They demonstrate the versatility of this modelling approach and its pertinence to age-related behavioural change, by means of numerical simulations. In showing the applicability of these models, they identify several methodological and measurement issues that have yet to be resolved. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041103203 A
ClassmarkDA: 5H: D6: BB: 3LM

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