Centre for Policy on Ageing


Better health in old age
 — resource document [for implementation of the National Service Framework for Older People] from Professor Ian Philp, National Director for Older People's Health to Secretary of State for Health
Author(s)Ian Philp
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health - DH, London, 2 November 2004
Pages104 pp (Ref 264641)
SourceDH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. Tel 08701 555455. Email: dh@prolog.uk.com Also available on request in braille, audio cassette tape, disk or large print. Also available as download:
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Medical care ; Performance ; Standards of provision ; Progress reports.
AnnotationThe National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) was launched in March 2001 as part of the NHS Plan. It set, for the first time, national standards for better, fairer and more integrated health and social care services for older people. This document aims to provide a resource for health and social care staff involved in implementation of the NSF. It should be read in conjunction with "Better health in old age: a progress report". The resource document details how national and local initiatives have delivered improved outcomes for older people since the introduction of the NSF. It provides examples of good practice through 19 case studies, which may be adapted locally to improve the health, independence and well-being of older people. It notes that the four principles that underpinned development of the NSF should continue to support further improvements in health and care for older people: person-centred care; joined-up services; timely response to needs; and promotion of health and active life. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-041102007 B
ClassmarkL4: LK: 5H: 583: 6KC

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