Centre for Policy on Ageing


Carers of older relatives in long term care
 — support needs and services
Author(s)Alisoun Milne, Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, Christina Chryssanthopoulou
Journal titleGenerations Review, vol 14, no 3, July 2004
Pagespp 4-9
Source(Editorial e-mail address) gr@ageing.ox.ac.uk
KeywordsFamily care ; Stress ; Needs [elderly] ; Care homes ; Pilot.
AnnotationCarers of older relatives in long-term care are beginning to be recognised as a distinct group facing specific challenges and having particular needs. Although many struggle to adjust to the admission of their relative to a home and experience high levels of emotional stress, former carers receive mixed levels of support from care homes and carers organisations. This article uses evidence from a pilot study conducted in 2002/03 in one area of South East England, to offer an overview of the roles and support needs of former carers. Evidence suggests that they need support in the following key areas: learning to live again; health and finance; care home issues; caring role and relationship; and information. Whilst examples of good practice exist, these are not shared, and there is limited policy focus on former carers either nationally or locally. Current emphasis on care home standards and caring in later life may offer an opportunity to develop a service strategy that caters for the needs of this under-researched and "invisible" group of carers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041027201 A
ClassmarkP6:SJ: QNH: IK: KW: 4UC

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