Centre for Policy on Ageing


Consumer futures
 — an NCC agenda for government
Corporate AuthorNational Consumer Council - NCC
PublisherNational Consumer Council - NCC, London, 2004
Pages8 pp (PD 55/04)
SourceNational Consumer Council, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH. http://www.ncc.org.uk
KeywordsServices ; Consumer ; Needs [elderly] ; Rights [elderly] ; Manifestos.
AnnotationIn recognition of consumers' contribution to the wider economy, this manifesto from the National Consumer Council (NCC) calls on government to: tackle social exclusion and consumer disadvantage; put consumers at the heart of public service reform; create the environment for empowering consumers in the marketplace; and encourage the development of healthier and sustainable choices for consumers. The manifesto's aim is to ensure that all consumers are firmly on the government's agenda in the run-up to the General Election, and beyond. References for the facts included in "Consumer futures" can be found at www.ncc.org.uk/publications/manifesto_refs.pdf (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041026219 B
ClassmarkI: WY: IK: IKR: VLF

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