Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age and security : summary report
 — how social pensions can deliver effective aid to poor older people and their families
Corporate AuthorHelpAge International
PublisherHelpAge International, London, 2004
Pages7 pp
SourceHelpAge International, PO Box 32832, London N1 9ZN. http://www.helpage.org
KeywordsOld persons pensions ; Poor elderly ; Social economics ; Developing countries.
AnnotationIn this report, the term "social pension" is used to refer to non-contributory pensions. Universal non-contributory pensions are distinguished from those that are means-tested. This summary of the report published by HelpAge International outlines the case for social pensions in tackling old age and child poverty. They are also feasible and affordable, having public and political support. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041026218 B
ClassmarkJJD: F:W6: W4: 7B

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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