Centre for Policy on Ageing


Effect of influenza vaccination on excess deaths occurring during periods of high circulation of influenza
 — cohort study in elderly people
Author(s)Ben G Armstrong, Punam Mangtani, Astrid Fletcher
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 329, no 7467, 18 September 2004
Pagespp 660-663
KeywordsInfluenza ; Immunisation ; Death rate [statistics].
AnnotationAll 24,535 people invited to participate in a randomised trial of targeted screening versus universal screening of patients aged 75+ from 75 general practices were included in this study. In unvaccinated members of the cohort, daily all cause mortality was strongly associated with an index of influenza circulating in the population. The association was strongest for respiratory deaths, but was also present for cardiovascular deaths. In contrast, in vaccinated people, mortality from any cause was not associated with circulating influenza. The difference in patterns between vaccinated and unvaccinated people could not easily be due to chance. This study, using a novel and robust approach to control for confounding, provides robust evidence of a protective effect on mortality of vaccination against influenza. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041004206 A
ClassmarkCJM: LLF: S5 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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