Centre for Policy on Ageing


Complexity of decision-making in a nursing home
 — the impact of advance directives on end-of-life care
Author(s)Hana Osman, Marion A Becker
Journal titleJournal of Gerontological Social Work, vol 42, no 1, 2003
Pagespp 27-40
KeywordsTerminal care ; Law ; Rights [elderly] ; Nursing homes ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationSince the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) became law in 1991, nursing homes in the US routinely consider advance directives with all residents. This study investigated the implementation of end-of-life care wishes for residents in one nursing home in Florida. Data were collected from the medical records of 75 residents who died in the facility in one year. Two-thirds of the residents had either completed a living will, or designated a health care decision-maker; 90.7% of the residents had "do not resuscitate" orders. Findings suggest that in 94% of the cases advance directives were followed, and that professional social work activities contributed to the high rate of compliance. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040929218 A
ClassmarkLV: VR: IKR: LHB: 3F: 7T

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