Centre for Policy on Ageing


Loss of a partner and suicide risks among oldest old
 — a population-based register study
Author(s)Annette Erlangsen, Bernard Jeune, Unn Bille-Brahe
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 33, no 4, July 2004
Pagespp 378-383
KeywordsOctogenarians ; Bereavement ; Spouses ; At risk ; Suicide ; Cross sectional surveys ; Denmark.
AnnotationAlthough a small proportion of the oldest-old who commit suicide have experienced a recent bereavement, there is a significant increase in the suicide risk during the first year after bereavement, especially for men. However, the increased risk of suicide in the oldest old men may only in part be experienced by the loss of a partner. This article is based on prospective data for all 1,978,527 people aged 50+ living in Denmark during 1994-1998. The authors applied survival analysis to calculate changes in relative risk of suicide after a loss by using individual level data. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040929204 A
ClassmarkBBM: DW: SN: CA3: EV: 3KB: 76K

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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