Centre for Policy on Ageing


Well-being, appraisal and coping in Latina and Caucasian female dementia caregivers
 — findings from the REACH study
Author(s)D W Coon, M Rubert, N Solano
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 8, no 4, July 2004
Pagespp 330-345
KeywordsEthnic groups ; White people ; Women as carers ; Well being ; Stress ; Adjustment ; Comparison ; United States of America.
Annotation191 Latina and 229 Caucasian female dementia family caregivers in the REACH (Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health) multi-site study were compared for well-being, appraisal and religiosity by ethnicity, with specific attention to levels of acculturation. These participants came from Miami and Northern California. Latina caregivers reported lower appraisals of stress, greater perceived benefits of caregiving, and greater use of religious coping than Caucasian caregivers. The relationship of these variables to level of acculturation for the Latina caregivers was also explored. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040913208 A
ClassmarkTK: TKA: P6:SH: D:F:5HH: QNH: DR: 48: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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