Centre for Policy on Ageing


Retirement planning and retirement satisfaction
 — the need for a national retirement program and policy in Hong Kong
Author(s)William Keng Mun Lee, Kenneth Wing-kin Law
Journal titleJournal of Applied Gerontology, vol 23, no 3, September 2004
Pagespp 212-233
KeywordsPreparation [retirement] ; Attitudes to retirement ; Middle aged ; Social surveys ; Hong Kong.
AnnotationThe findings of this telephone survey of 1,078 middle-aged respondents in Hong Kong show that, in general, little is done by way of retirement planning. The focus is on a very narrow set of activities, including financial and health planning. Of the 19 planning variables, only a few were significantly related to perceptions of sufficiency for retirement planning and retirement satisfaction. In this regard, the perception of this middle-aged sample was that they can depend on their family for support in retirement. The lack of private and public support for retirement planning left these respondents feeling unsure as to whether they have the capability to plan sufficiently for retirement. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040909238 A
ClassmarkGA: G7:DP: SE: 3F: 7DR

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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