Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social isolation and loneliness
Author(s)Carolyn J Rosenthal
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 23, no 2, Summer 2004
Pagespp 107-195 (whole issue)
KeywordsIsolation ; Loneliness ; Comparison ; Cross national surveys ; Conference proceedings ; International.
AnnotationArticles in this issue of Canadian Journal on Aging on the theme "Cross-national comparisons of social isolation and loneliness" grew out of a symposium organised by Betty Havens for the 17th World Congress of the International Association on Gerontology in Vancouver in 2001. After an introduction and overview by Betty Havens, the other articles illustrate the great variety in the prevalence of loneliness and social isolation among older people in: rural Wales; rural and urban Manitoba; the Netherlands; and Tampere, Finland. A comparative study of loneliness in the Netherlands, Italy and Canada, followed by a commentary on the preceding articles complete the issue. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040816207 A
ClassmarkTP: DV: 48: 3K: 6M: 72

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