Centre for Policy on Ageing


Inheritance of SERPS (State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme)
Corporate AuthorPension Service, Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherPension Service, Leeds, 2003
Pages12 pp (Ref SERPSL1)
SourceTel: 0845 602 1913. http://www.thepensionservice.gov.uk
AnnotationThis leaflet explains new rules on inheriting the SERPS pension, which ran from 6 April 1978 to 5 April 2002, when it was reformed by the State Second Pension. The new rules reduce the maximum amount of SERPS pension (to 50 per cent) that a person widowed after October 2002 is entitled to receive and this booklet gives full details of these changes. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-040810202 P

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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