Centre for Policy on Ageing


Time to change
 — the second Pennell report on women's health
Author(s)Anna Coote
Corporate AuthorPennell Initiative for Women's Health, Help the Aged - HtA
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 2004
Pages24 pp
SourceThe Pennell Initiative, c/o Help the Aged, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. Website: www.pennellwomenshealth.co.uk
KeywordsOlder women ; Health [elderly] ; Middle aged ; Menopause ; Well being ; Reports.
AnnotationWomen aged 45+ account for one fifth of the UK's population. This report outlines work aimed at encouraging a more positive view of older women and their health and well-being since the Pennell Initiative was set up in 1997. The report notes changes in government policy on health and older people, and considers the benefits that can be expected from the Pennell approach in securing physical and mental well-being. It recommends prevention of illness and dependence as the main priority for future action by researchers, policy-makers, employers, health practitioners and women and their representative organisations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040727211 B
ClassmarkBD: CC: SE: CC:BD: D:F:5HH: 6K

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