Centre for Policy on Ageing


Cognitive impairment and associated risk factors among aged community members
Author(s)Yung-Chieh Chen, Ming-Jen Yang, Chun-Hun Shih
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 19, no 6, June 2004
Pagespp 564-569
KeywordsLiving in the community ; Mental disorder ; Dementia ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Participation ; Evaluation ; Taiwan.
Annotation1000 community residents aged 65-74 were recruited for this cross-sectional survey of associated factors of cognitive impairment in southern Taiwan. The survey questionnaire included background information and the Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ). The relationship between cognitive impairment and each individual variable in personal attributes and social participation were explored. 894 (89.4%, mean age 69.37, and 54.9% male) completed the interview and questionnaire. The cognitive impairment rate among all subjects was 4.92%. Most of the respondents were married (72.05%), and 68.9% of the subjects had not participated in any social activities in the previous 6 months. Females, those who were illiterate or did not attend school, those who had an average family income below US$860 per month, and those who did not participate in any social activities had a significantly higher rate of cognitive impairment. In this survey, educational level and participation in social activities were associated with cognitive impairment. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040720207 A
ClassmarkK4: E: EA: F: TMB: 4C: 7DP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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