Centre for Policy on Ageing


Charges for residential accommodation - CRAG amendment no 21; National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources)(Amendment)(England) Regulations 2004
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, March 2004
Pagesunnumbered (Local authority circular, LAC (2004)9)
SourceDH Website: www.dh.gov.uk/policyandguidance/organisationpolicy...
KeywordsCirculars ; Department of Health [legislation and circulars] ; Local Authority Circulars ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Social security benefits ; Charges.
AnnotationThis circular informs of changes to current regulations, the most significant of these are detailed as follows:. 1. Revised PEA of £18.10 that comes into force on 12 April 2004. 2. Revision of the capital limits from £12,000 (lower) and £19,500 (upper) to £12,250 (lower) and (£20,000) from 12 April 2004. 3. Revision of the savings disregard to £4.65 per week for individual supported residents aged 65 and over and £6.95 per week for couples. The Annex to this circular gives fuller details. A revised copy of the Charging for Residential Accommodation Guide (CRAG) can be accessed on the DH website. Changes to CRAG are only shown on the internet version. (KJ)
Accession NumberCPA-040719204 C
Classmark6I: VK9: LAC(2004)9: KW: LHB: JH: QEJ *

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