Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social services statistics Wales 2002-03
Corporate AuthorLocal Government Data Unit, National Assembly of Wales; National Statistics
PublisherNational Assembly of Wales, Cardiff, 2004
Pages187 pp
SourceLocal Government Data Unit - Wales, Columbus Walk, Cardiff CF10 4BY, Wales. www.dataunitwales.gov.uk
KeywordsJournals ; Services ; Care homes ; Social Services Departments ; Statistics [data] ; Wales.
AnnotationThis annual series includes amongst other statistics, tables on the following: older people; physical and sensory disability; learning disabilities; mental health; services for adults; staffing; and social services expenditure. For older people there are five tables covering nursing and residential homes; those receiving respite or non-residential care packages; assessments and outcomes and other care packages arranged for the fiscal year ending March 2003. The appendices include statistical profiles of the 22 local authorities in Wales and a glossary. (KJ/ RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040713506 B
Classmark6G: I: KW: PF: 6C: 9

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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