Centre for Policy on Ageing


 — keeping up with public expectations?
Author(s)John Appleby, Arturo Alvarez Rosete
Corporate AuthorKing's Fund
Journal titleIN: British Social Attitudes : the 20th report - Continuity and change over two decades, London : Sage., 2003
Pagespp 29-44
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Finance [care] ; Consumer ; Public opinion ; Social surveys.
AnnotationChapter 2 of British Social Attitudes 20th report comments on changes in expenditure on, and perceptions of, the National Health Service (NHS) since the first British Social Attitudes survey in 1983. While expenditure has more than doubled in real terms over that time and health has generally improved, people's opinions and perceptions of the NHS have worsened. The authors examine some of the detailed results from this 2002 survey, setting them in their historical context, and examining possible explanations for the way in which satisfaction with the NHS has changed over time. They also consider ways in which the headline trends in satisfaction with the NHS mask important variations, between individual NHS services, different age groups, and those with different political affiliations. They examine whether changes in satisfaction with the NHS are associated with a more fundamental shift in attitudes concerning the nature of the NHS itself. They consider whether the NHS should continue to be funded largely from general taxation, and if so, what priority should be given over other public services for extra funding. (OFFPRINT). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040713214 A
ClassmarkL4: QC: WY: U5: 3F *

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