Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making age work for London
 — a scoping report on population ageing and productivity in London
Author(s)Barbara Meredith
Corporate AuthorPopulation Ageing Associates; Third Age Employment Network - TAEN; Age Concern London - ACL; London Development Agency; Third Sector Alliance
PublisherAge Concern London - ACL, 2003
Pages79 pp (plus executive summary)
SourceDownloaded document : www.aclondon.org.uk Age Concern London, 54 Knatchbull Road, London SE5 9QY.
KeywordsAgeing process ; Demography ; Employment of older people ; Economics ; London.
AnnotationAlthough London is regarded as being a "young" city, it has more people aged 65+ than all but three regions of the UK. Age Concern London (ACL) commissioned Population Ageing Associates (in association with Third Age Employment Network, TAEN) to undertake the background research for this scoping report. The aim is to set the scene for improving awareness of, and debate about, ageing and demographic change as strategic issues for London. The report presents information on many factors affecting London's demographic make-up as it affects ageing, including ethnicity, housing, migration, and population projections. Among statistical presentations are population pyramids for all London Boroughs, based on data from the 2001 Census. Evidence is provided on older people's contribution to London's economic and social life: the over 50s are "productive" in caring, volunteering as well as in employment. The number of people aged between 50 and state pension age (SPA) are projected to increase. London therefore has a duty to promote equality, tackle age discrimination, and to encourage employers to adopt a strategic approach to recruitment and retention of older workers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040706204 B
ClassmarkBG: S8: GC: W: 82L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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