Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gender and transport for older people
Corporate AuthorHelpAge International
PublisherHelpAge International, London, 2002
SourceHelpAge International, PO Box 32832, London N1 9ZN. http://www.helpage.org
KeywordsTransport services ; Accessibility ; Older men ; Older women ; Developing countries.
AnnotationHelpAge International outlines findings from consultations carried out with older men and women in more than 30 countries before the Second World Assembly on Ageing (Madrid, 2002). It found the lack of adequate, accessible and affordable transport to be a barrier to access to basic social services for older people, particularly in developing countries. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040629228 P
ClassmarkO: 5CA: BC: BD: 7B *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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