Centre for Policy on Ageing


Managing dementia within sheltered/retirement housing
 — a workshop : 1 April 2004
Corporate AuthorCentre for Social Policy and Social Work, University of Sussex; Sussex Gerontology Network, Sheltered Housing Group
PublisherSchool of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, 2003
Pages12 pp
SourceProfessor Peter Lloyd, School of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9SN.
KeywordsDementia ; Management [care] ; Sheltered housing ; Conference proceedings ; East Sussex.
AnnotationThe main concern of this conference was those residents who develop dementia during their residence in sheltered housing: how can they be helped to maintain independent living for as long as possible? Papers summarised cover themes including the scheme manager's perspective, strategies for maintaining independence, the communication challenges of dementia, and technological solutions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040629216 P
ClassmarkEA: QA: KLA: 6M: 8E *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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