Centre for Policy on Ageing


Work related attitudes of naval officers before and after retirement
Author(s)Kenneth S Shultz, Mary Anne Taylor, Robert F Morrison
Journal titleInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol 57, no 3, 2003
Pagespp 259-274
KeywordsArmed Forces ; Retirement ; Attitude ; Employment ; Longitudinal surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationProspective expectations for retirement and retrospective accounts of past work experiences are typically used in cross-sectional empirical studies of retirement. Unfortunately, little is known about the accuracy of such accounts. The authors build on T A Beehr and N L Neilson's article, "Descriptions of job characteristics and retirement activities during the transition to retirement" (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1995), by examining the consistency of these accounts over time using data from 672 military retirees over a 4 to 5 year period. Mixed evidence for the consistency of these attitudes across time was found. Specifically, their results are much weaker than those of Beehr and Nielson, suggesting that longer time intervals between measurements may erode the accuracy of prospective estimates and retrospective accounts. Results are discussed in terms of the uniqueness of the military retirement and how civilian retirement and military retirement are becoming similar. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040629204 A
ClassmarkVMM: G3: DP: WJ: 3J: 7T

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