Centre for Policy on Ageing


Perceptions of help given to healthy older mothers by adult daughters
 — ways of initiating help and types of help given
Author(s)Tanya S Martini, Joan E Grusec, Silvia Cortese Bernardini
Journal titleInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol 57, no 3, 2003
Pagespp 237-258
KeywordsDaughters as carers ; Mother ; Daughters ; Family relationships ; Attitude ; Social surveys ; Canada.
Annotation43 older mother adult daughter dyads in Canada were asked about two issues pertaining to ways in which help is initiated (offered, requested, and imposed help) and type of help given (instrumental help, advice, and emotional support). The issues are: mothers' reasoning about these aspects of help; and daughters' understanding of mothers' feelings. Both groups noted that mothers were most comfortable with offered help. However, mothers indicated equal comfort with requested or imposed help, while daughters felt mothers were more comfortable with requested help than imposed help. Mothers and daughters both felt that mothers were less comfortable receiving additional instrumental help or advice than emotional support. Reasons given for mothers' feelings indicated that mothers saw both positive and negative elements in the help given by their adult daughters. Overall, daughters demonstrated a good understanding of mothers' feelings about the helping relationship. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040629203 A
ClassmarkP6:SSH: SRM: SSH: DS:SJ: DP: 3F: 7S

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