Centre for Policy on Ageing


Supporting parents and carers: unlocking the potential
 — [with] Review of recent EOC research on parents and carers; and list of Parents' and Carers' Coalition members
Corporate AuthorEqual Opportunities Commission
PublisherEOC, Manchester, 2004
Pagespack, various pagings
SourceEqual Opportunities Commission, Arndale House, Arndale cenre, Manchester M4 3EQ. E-mail: info@eoc.org.uk Website: www.eoc.org.uk
KeywordsInformal care ; Women ; Parents ; Pressure groups.
AnnotationThe Equal Opportunities Commission recently launched the Parents' and Carers' Coalition, which brings together 28 organisations with the aim of achieving a better deal for Britain's parents and carers. This pack sets out the case for change, and the benefits not only for parents and carers, but also for business, the economy, society, families and individuals. The review of recent research found that there are more than 7 million carers in the UK, and that 1 in 5 carers have given up or turned down a job because of their caring responsibilities. The Coalition calls on politicians to recognise the essential contribution made by parents and carers to society. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040617006 P
ClassmarkP6: SH: SR: PME *

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