Centre for Policy on Ageing


A novel system of electronic tagging in patients with dementia and wandering
Author(s)Frank Miskelly
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 33, no 3, May 2004
Pagespp 304-306
KeywordsElectronic alarm systems ; Dementia ; Aggression.
AnnotationWandering is a common problem in people with dementia. Current methods of physical or chemical restraint have serious adverse effects; and previous attempts at electronic tagging have been unsuccessful because of inadequacy of the technology. This study tested equipment derived from prisoner tagging systems, in three different scenarios: for 4 weeks in 2 wards at a large teaching hospital (5 clients); 6 months in a medium sized residential home (4 clients); and 8 weeks in the homes of 3 clients in the community. All clients wore an electronic bracelet for the duration of the study. The system proved to be reliable, and two incidents of external wandering were successfully detected. Ethical issues regarding the tagging of confused older people were raised by professional organisations, but were not considered in contra-indication by the relatives, clients and staff. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040614209 A
ClassmarkOV:YA6: EA: EPB

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