Centre for Policy on Ageing


Underwriting citizenship for older people
 — the impact of additional benefit income for older people: a report for the National Audit Office
Author(s)Gary Craig, Paul Dornan, Jonathan Bradshaw
Corporate AuthorUniversity of Hull; University of York; National Audit Office - NAO
PublisherUniversity of Hull; University of York, Hull, 2003
Pages71 pp (Working papers in social sciences and policy, no 9)
SourceWorking Papers, Social Policy, The University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX.
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Claims [services] ; Usage [services] ; Literature reviews ; Social surveys.
AnnotationIt is well-known from previous research findings that older people are less likely to take up the benefits to which they are entitled, for reasons of lack of information, the complexity of the benefits system and the claiming process, and fear of stigma. This study commissioned by the National Audit Office (NAO) is part of a wider review, "Tackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements", which is intended to feed into Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) structural changes such as the Pensioner Credit in 2003. The report comprises: a literature review; secondary analysis of the Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey (JRF, 2000) and the Family Expenditure Survey (FES); and a qualitative analysis based on 25 interviews with "hard to reach" older people (black and minority ethnic groups, and older people living in deeply rural areas). The final section describes ways in which failure to receive benefits to which they were entitled effectively circumscribes older people's ability to participate fully in community activities and thus be active citizens. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040607006 B
ClassmarkJH: QLT: QLD: 64A: 3F

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