Centre for Policy on Ageing


Complementary and private pensions throughout the world 2003
Corporate AuthorInternational Social Security Association - ISSA; International Network of Pension Regulators and Supervisors (INPRS)
PublisherInternational Social Security Association - ISSA, Geneva, 2003
Pages333 pp
SourceISSA, 4 Route des Morillons, Case postale 1, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland. www.issa.int International Network of Pension Regulators and Supervisors, 37 bis Boulevard Suchet, FR-75775 Paris CEDEX 16. www.inprs.org
KeywordsSupplementary pensions ; Private pensions ; International.
AnnotationThe term complementary and private pensions covers all plans or schemes that are complementary to another system of retirement income and/or administered by private institutions. "Complementary and private pensions throughout the world" (CPPTW) is a new source of information on old-age pension provision around the world. It covers mandatory occupational and personal schemes and voluntary occupational plans, and details their regulation and supervision in 55 countries. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040604004 B
ClassmarkJJH: JK: 72

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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