Centre for Policy on Ageing


A Commissioner for Older People in Wales
 — the report and recommendations of the Welsh Assembly Government's Advisory Group
Author(s)John Griffiths
Corporate AuthorAdvisory Group on a Strategy for Older People in Wales, National Assembly of Wales
PublisherWelsh Assembly Government (Electronic format only), March 2004
Pages60 pp
SourceDownloaded document (3/06/04) : www.wales.gov.uk/subicommolderpeople/content/repor...
KeywordsOmbudsman ; Rights [elderly] ; Government publications ; Wales.
AnnotationJust over 17% of Wales' population is aged 64+, a higher proportion than for the rest of the UK. Research also indicates that for some people in Wales aged 50+, poor housing, poverty, poor nutrition, lack of opportunity for employment and inadequate transport are very real concerns. Such factors were identified in the Assembly Government Advisory Group report, "When I'm 64 ... and more" (May 2002). The present document examines the reasons why a Commissioner for Older People is needed; considers the role and remit such a Commissioner might fulfil; and examines what powers would be necessary to support the recommended responsibilities and duties, along with issues of accountability. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040603220 E
ClassmarkPCO: IKR: 6OA: 9

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