Centre for Policy on Ageing


The use of Chinese herbal medicines and their correlates in Chinese older adults
 — the Singapore Chinese Longitudinal Aging Study
Author(s)Tzi Pin Ng, C H Tan, E H Kua
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 33, no 2, March 2004
Pagespp 135-142
KeywordsAlternative medicine ; Chinese people ; Longitudinal surveys ; Singapore.
AnnotationThe Singapore Chinese Longitudinal Aging Study focuses on older people age 65+ living in their homes in Singapore. 2010 Chinese aged 65+ participated in the present study, by completing a questionnaire on Chinese herbal medicine use and related information. 25.3% of subjects reported using Chinese herbal medicines in the past year, among whom 52% supported concurrent use of Western prescription medications. Positive and negative psychosocial and health-related factors determine the use of Chinese herbal medicine as health supplements and complementary alternative medicine. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040602216 A
ClassmarkLK3: TKL: 3J: 7XD

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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