Centre for Policy on Ageing


The detection and prevention of depression in older people
Author(s)Irene Schofield, Sandra Stark, Andy Lowndes
Journal titleNursing Times, vol 100, no 21, 25 May 2004
Pagespp 32-35
KeywordsDepression ; Diagnosis ; Preventative medicine ; Standards of provision ; Scotland.
AnnotationDepression is not a normal part of ageing, but it is the most common mental health problem in later life. Nurses are well placed to detect and prevent depression in older people, especially at times of critical life changes, such as the move to a care home. This article outlines the content of NHS Quality Improvement Scotland's recently completed "Working with older people towards the prevention and early detection of depression" (2004). This best practice statement forms a major part of a national practice development initiative in Scotland aimed at developing evidence-based practice in nursing older people. It aims to demonstrate how nurses can begin to work with older people and their families, to provide support and prevent the normal response to loss and grief from turning into clinical depression. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040528201 A
ClassmarkENR: LK7: LK2: 583: 9A *

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