Centre for Policy on Ageing


Inside multi-disciplinary practice
 — challenges for single assessment
Author(s)Michelle Cornes, Roger Clough
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 12, issue 2, April 2004
Pagespp 3-13
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Multi disciplinary.
AnnotationThe authors draw on their study on assessment and care management practice in three localities in North West England, which tracked older people's journeys through the health and social care system, and now highlights some of the key issues which will need to be tackled if the new single assessment process (SAP) is to become user and carer friendly. They argue that the concept of the "whole system" is a misnomer, and a more accurate picture is one of "disputed territory". They suggest that too much emphasis has been placed on IT systems and paperwork, and that the real challenge is to cut through the jargon of modernisation, and to see things from a wholly different perspective. Some discussion topics to aid local implementation of SAP are suggested. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040526001 A
ClassmarkL: I: QAJ: QK6: 3DM

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