Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing, support and care in Africa
 — how feasible are high standards in low economics?
Author(s)Monica Ferreira
Journal titleBOLD, vol 14, no 2, February 2004
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), February 2004
Pagespp 5-10
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Needs [elderly] ; Africa.
AnnotationAfrica is the largest continent and the world's poorest region. Chronic poverty, scarcity, humanitarian crises, disease and epidemics are realities of the context in which Africans grow old. In addition, urbanisation and other demographic forces are propelling social change, which has an impact on family structures and their capacity to sustain individuals in old age. An expansion of formal care and support systems to benefit older people is unlikely in the near future. Health care services are under-resourced and often inaccessible to older clients. The feasibility of achieving high standards of care in Africa's poorer countries is considered with special reference to geriatric care, by considering factors such as family care and HIV/AIDS epidemics. It is concluded that indigenous solutions and strategies need to be developed to meet the support and care needs of older Africans. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040517208 A
ClassmarkI: L: IK: 7J

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