Centre for Policy on Ageing


Living arrangements among older people
 — an overview of trends in Europe and the USA
Author(s)Cecilia Tomassini, Karen Glaser, Douglas A Wolf
Journal titlePopulation Trends, no 115, Spring 2004
Pagespp 24-35
KeywordsLiving patterns ; Demography ; Social trends ; Comparison ; Europe ; Austria ; Germany ; Netherlands ; Portugal ; United Kingdom ; United States of America.
AnnotationBased on research for a European Science Foundation network, "Family support for older people: determinants and consequences" (the FAMSUP network) in Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, the UK and the US, this article compares trends in older people's living arrangements in Europe and the US. The trends and cross-country variability that are examined include marital status, fertility, labour force participation and attitudes. In most countries, the proportion of older people living alone increased substantially between 1970 and 1990, but stabilised or even declined between 1990 and 2000 in most countries, indicating a possible reversal in the trend. Increases in the proportions of older women who are married and reductions in the proportions childless may partially explain this. Considerable variability in both trends and levels of older people's living arrangements was seen especially between north-western and southern European countries. These variations mirrored contrasts in attitudes towards residential care and parent-child co-residence between the countries. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040517207 A
ClassmarkK7: S8: TM3: 48: 74: 76A: 767: 76H: 76T: 8: 7T

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