Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Pennell News
Corporate AuthorPennell Initiative for Women's Health, Health Services Management Unit, University of Manchester
Journal titleThe Pennell News, 2000, issue 3 to 2002, issue 8
PublisherThe Pennell Initiative, Manchester
SourceThe Pennell Initiative, Health Services Management Unit, Devonshire House, Precinct Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
KeywordsOlder women ; Health [elderly] ; Middle aged ; Menopause ; Well being ; Reports.
AnnotationAs they get older, women in the 45-105+ age range - one fifth of the UK population - become increasingly disadvantaged and steadily more 'invisible' in healthcare and public policy. The Pennell Report draws attention to the circumstances of their lives and their health, in the hope that it will act as a catalyst for action and improvements. These newsletters outlined the Pennell Initiative's next steps and updated other activities already under way. In 2004 the charity was absorbed into Help the Aged who collaborated with TAEN - The Age and Employment Network to carry forward aspects of its work. In 2007 a Pennell Network was established which produced 2 newsletters, the last of these being dated October 2008 when the Pennell Initiative ceased. See also: AgeOrgs database. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040513213 H
ClassmarkBD: CC: SE: CC:BD: D:F:5HH: 6K

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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