Centre for Policy on Ageing


The effect of ethnicity and gender on first contact rates for schizophrenia-like psychosis in Bangladeshi, black and white elders in Tower Hamlets, London
Author(s) Pamina R Mitter, Sarada Krishnan, Peter Bell
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 19, no 3, March 2004
Pagespp 286-290
KeywordsSchizophrenia ; Asian people ; Black Caribbean ; White people ; Older men ; Older women ; Comparison ; Tower Hamlets.
AnnotationA recent group of studies examined the mental health of older migrants in the UK. In the current study, a retrospective case note review of first contacts to the old age psychiatric service from 1997 to 2002 in Tower Hamlets identified cases of schizophrenia-like psychosis (SLP). Among the African- and Caribbean-born, but not the Bangladeshi-born, the odds ratio of being referred with SLP was significantly higher than for the British-born population. The usual female preponderance of SLP is not apparent in this older migrant population. In a 1-year review of first contacts for all diagnostic categories, there was a higher rate of referrals in organic disease in Bangladeshi men compared to Bangladeshi women and British-born men and women. Old age psychiatric services in the UK should take into account the increasing needs of Bangladeshi elders with dementia. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040505216 A
ClassmarkELK: TKK: TKG: TKA: BC: BD: 48: 82LV

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