Centre for Policy on Ageing


Facilitating choice and control for older people in long-term care
Author(s)Geraldine Boyle
Journal titleHealth & Social Care in the Community, vol 12, no 3, May 2004
Pagespp 212-220
KeywordsCare homes ; Domiciliary services ; Quality of life ; Rights [elderly] ; Consumer choice ; Comparison ; Northern Ireland.
AnnotationCommunity care reforms have enabled some older people with severe learning difficulties to remain at home with domiciliary care services, as an alternative to nursing home admissions. This paper explores the extent to which the reforms actually enabled older people receiving domiciliary care (44 in this study) to have greater choice and control over their daily lives, compared to those in institutions (214). It reports findings from a qualitative study carried out in Belfast that determined the extent to which older people's subjective quality of life - particularly autonomy - varied according to type of setting. Older people were interviewed using a structured interview schedule. Subjective autonomy was assessed using a measure of perceived choice consisting of 33 activities relating to aspects of everyday life. Whereas those living in institutions perceived themselves to have greater decisional autonomy in their everyday lives, it was clear that living at home did not ensure that one's decisional autonomy would be supported. However, being alone may facilitate exercising a relatively higher degree of autonomy when living at home. The extent to which choice is available to those with severe disabilities who have the option of receiving care at home has not necessarily enabled them to have greater choice and control over their everyday lives, when compared to those admitted to institutions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040505209 A
ClassmarkKW: N: F:59: IKR: WYC: 48: 9Y

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