Centre for Policy on Ageing


Directions in environmental gerontology
 — a multidisciplinary field
Author(s)Hal Kendig
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 43, no 5, October 2003
Pagespp 611-615
KeywordsNeighbourhoods, communities etc ; Amenities ; Architectural design ; Multi disciplinary.
AnnotationThe multidisciplinary field of environmental gerontology came of age in the 1960s with Powell Lawton's powerful environmental press paradigm and its applications to empirical research and building design. Recent theoretical developments in Europe and America have advanced and integrated concepts in psychology, geography and related disciplines. Time dimensions and active use of space are essential for understanding ageing individuals and microenvironments as well as changing populations and macroenvironments. Research on residential environments by health professionals is informing community care that is enhancing older people's independence and well-being. With its proven responsiveness to social and policy priorities, environmental gerontology is now providing strong conceptual and empirical bases for advancing healthy ageing and age-friendly societies. This article considers developments and directions for environmental gerontology, and draws on three further papers in this issue of the Gerontologist. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040504210 A
ClassmarkRH: R8: YB3: 3DM

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