Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intergenerational triads in grandparent-headed families
Author(s)Catherine Chase Goodman
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 58B, no 5, September 2003
Pagespp S281-S289
KeywordsGrandparents as carers ; Grandmothers ; Grandchildren ; Family relationships ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationGrandparents are becoming caregivers of their grandchildren more often as a result of their adult children's drug addiction, mental problems and financial need. This study examined grandmothers' well-being in relation to bonding within intergenerational triads consisting of grandmother, parent and grandchild. Interviews were conducted with 987 grandmothers in Los Angeles County: 512 custodial grandmothers raising their grandchildren and 475 co-parenting grandmothers helping their adult sons or daughters to raise their grandchildren. Contrary to expectation, triangulation involving a weak parent-grandmother relationship was not related to significantly lower grandmother well-being. In contrast, the emotionally isolated parent, particularly common in custodial families, was related to lower grandmother well-being, whether or not the parent lived in the household. The configuration in which the parent provided a link for both other generations was frequent in co-parenting families, but was not significantly different in grandmother well-being compared to other linking triads. Results affirm the utility of examining multi-relationship patterns, and describe the restructuring of intergenerational relationships characteristics of parental absence. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040406221 A
ClassmarkP6:SW: SW2: SW5: DS:SJ: 3F: 7T

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