Centre for Policy on Ageing


Tackling inequalities in health in England
 — remedying health disadvantages, narrowing health gaps or reducing health gradients?
Author(s)Hilary Graham
Journal titleJournal of Social Policy, vol 33, no 1, January 2004
Pagespp 115-132
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Poverty ; Social policy ; Literature reviews ; England.
AnnotationSocioeconomic inequalities in health have moved up the policy agenda of older industrial societies. This paper turns the spotlight on this development by exploring how the goal has been represented in England's national policy documents. Rather than one approach, there appears to be a range of understandings of what it means to tackle health inequalities. These understandings can be placed on a continuum which runs from improving the health of poor groups, through closing the health gaps between those in the poorest circumstances and better-off groups, to tackling the association between socioeconomic position and health across the population. The paper points to common ground between the three approaches to tackling health inequalities, but also to important differences in the moral arguments and causal models on which they rest, and therefore in their policy goals and anticipated policy impacts. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040330204 A
ClassmarkCC: W6: TM2: 64A: 82

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