Centre for Policy on Ageing


 — issues in the organisation of social work
Author(s)Tim Booth, David Martin, Chris Melotte
Corporate AuthorBritish Association of Social Workers - BASW
PublisherBASW, Birmingham, 1980
Pages108 pp
KeywordsSocial work.
AnnotationIn 1978, the Yorkshire and Humberside Branch of the Social Services Research Group (SSRG) organised a programme of talks and discussions about specialisation in social services departments (SSDs). This book comprises speakers' contributions on how they interpret the term "specialisation". It includes a paper by Sally Greengross, in which she states that social work with older people lacks priority. She discusses three ways of meeting this challenge: multi-disciplinary assessment, involving older people themselves in the process of care, and making use of volunteers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040319503 B

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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