Centre for Policy on Ageing


Growing old in East Lothian
 — a programme for partnership
Corporate AuthorEast Lothian District Health Council
PublisherEast Lothian District Health Council, East Lothian, 1987
Pages25 pp (+ appendices)
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Needs [elderly] ; East Lothian.
AnnotationEast Lothian has particular problems of inaccessibility of rural areas and the close proximity of its towns to Edinburgh's centralised facilities. This report was written following a series of 17 public meetings held throughout East Lothian during the summer of 1986 to discuss services for older people in the district. The meetings were organised by a small group of people representing East Lothian authorities and the Chairwoman of British Association for Services to the Elderly (BASE). The stimulus for undertaking the meetings was provided by three developments: the projected increase in the local older population; the Joint Working Party report "Partners in Care"; and the future of East Fortune Hospital. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040319212 B
ClassmarkI: L: IK: 9SC

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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