Centre for Policy on Ageing


Patterns of adult and old-age mortality in rural Burkina Faso
Author(s)Osman A Sankoh, Gisela Kynast-Wolf, Bocar Kouyaté
Journal titleJournal of Public Health Medicine, vol 25, no 4, December 2003
Pagespp 372-376
KeywordsDeath rate [statistics] ; Rural areas ; Burkina Faso.
AnnotationBased on a demographic surveillance population from 39 villages in rural Burkina Faso, mortality patterns in adults (15-59 years) and older people (age 60+) are described, and seasonal trends in mortality are discussed. During the study period 1993-1998, 589 deaths in adults and 593 deaths in older people were recorded from an average adult and older population of 13,550. The crude all-cause mortality rate per 1000 for adults was 7.3, and for older people 55.8. The probability of dying before age 60 after reaching age 15 was 34% for males and 32% for females. Malaria and diarrhoea, recorded through verbal autopsy, accounted for 21% of total deaths in adults and 22% in older people. A seasonal trend in mortality for older people with a peak in February was identified. The study shows that malaria is an important cause of death in adulthood. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040311504 A
ClassmarkS5: RL: 7MH

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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