Centre for Policy on Ageing


Delayed discharge - a solvable problem?
 — the place of intermediate care in mental health care of older people
Author(s)J M Paton, M A Fahy, G A Livingston
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 8, no 1, January 2004
Pagespp 34-39
KeywordsPsychogeriatric patients ; Rehabilitation ; Psychiatric treatment ; Discharge [hospitals] ; Delayed discharge ; London.
AnnotationThe National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) envisages the development of intermediate care. This study considered the role of intermediate care for older psychiatric patients, by assessing whether in-patients in an inner London mental health and social care trust were being cared for in an appropriate setting. Senior clinicians were interviewed about the 91 current in-patients (65 acute patients, 26 continuing care) on the old-age psychiatric wards. Structured instruments were used to collect information regarding neuropsychiatric symptoms, activities of daily living (ADLs), and current met and unmet needs. In terms of the Department of Health (DH) guidelines, 30 patients' discharges were delayed. Of these, 19 met the DH criteria for intermediate care, 10 had dementia, 5 affective disorder, and 4 with schizophrenia. The 11 other delayed discharges were because of lack of availability of finance for placements. The prompt discharge of patients from acute psychiatric care was thus a significant problem, and many of those patients may benefit from the therapeutic and rehabilitative process afforded by intermediate care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040311209 A
ClassmarkLF:E: LM: LP: LD:QKJ: LD:QKM: 82L

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