Centre for Policy on Ageing


Understanding women's sleep management
 — beyond medicalization-healthicization?
Author(s)Jenny Hislop, Sara Arber
Journal titleSociology of Health & Illness, vol 25, no 7, November 2003
Pagespp 815-837
KeywordsOlder women ; Sleep disorders ; Drugs ; Health [elderly] ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationSleep has been a neglected area within the sociology of health and illness. This paper explores the extent to which the concepts of medicalization and healthicization provide appropriate models for understanding the management of women's sleep disruption. The prescription of sleeping pills remains as an indicator of the medicalization of sleep, while the trend towards the healthicization of sleep as part of healthy lifestyle practice is reflected in the increased focus of the media, pharmaceutical and complementary health care industries on sleep. The paper analyses qualitative data on women aged 40 and over, to argue that the medical-health framework fails to encapsulate a complete understanding of how women manage sleep disruption within the social context of their lives. It suggests that by looking inside the world of women's sleep, there is uncovered a hidden dimension of self-directed personalised activity which plays a key role in women's response to sleep disruption. The authors propose an alternative model for the management of women's sleep which incorporates a core of personalised activity, linked to the strategies associated with health and medicine. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040227207 A
ClassmarkBD: CTS: LLD: CC: 3DP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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