Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caregiver resources and facilitation of elderly care recipient adherence to health regimens
Author(s)Haya Greenberger, Howard Litwin
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 22, no 4, Winter 2003
Pagespp 395-406
KeywordsInformal care ; Therapeutics ; Israel.
AnnotationIt was hypothesised in this Israeli study that a caregiver's specified perceived personal and social resources best predict a care recipient's adherence to a prescribed health regimen. Adherence facilitation was measured for 240 caregivers on a 45-item instrument constructed for this research. The facilitation score was regressed on caregivers' role-specific self-concept (e.g. caregiver competence), informal social network support, utilisation of the informal network as a lay referral system, formal network support, and the care recipient's reported health status. Background variables and health beliefs were considered as control variables. The resource variable best correlated with adherence facilitation was the personal resource of caregiver competence - perception of oneself as a good caregiver - followed by two social resources: support of the professional health care provider, and the presence of a key referral system. Thus, although the care recipient is the beneficiary of adherence facilitation, the caregiving characteristics of the caregiver appear to affect the extent. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040227203 A
ClassmarkP6: LL: 7H6

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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