Centre for Policy on Ageing


Who will pay?
 — coping with aging societies, climate change, and other long-term fiscal challenges; foreword by Jeffrey D Sachs
Author(s)Peter S Heller
Corporate AuthorInternational Monetary Fund - IMF
PublisherInternational Monetary Fund - IMF, Washington DC, 2003
Pages315 pp
SourceThe Stationery Office, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN.
KeywordsPublic finances ; Management [care] ; Taxation ; Long term ; Social policy ; International.
AnnotationAssessments of the sustainability of fiscal policy must address the long term, and governments must also do more to narrow uncertainty. This will require a greater commitment to research, for example to identify possible efficiency gains in health care delivery. There is also scope for enhanced policy co-ordination between countries in confronting challenges, particularly where there are long-term problems in common - from ageing populations to climate change to globalisation. An appendix summarises regional, national and international sources of pressures (e.g. demographic and epidemiological), their possible fiscal pressures, and sources of uncertainty. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040224201 B
ClassmarkWN5: QA: WS: 4Q: TM2: 72

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