Centre for Policy on Ageing


Reducing abuse of older people with dementia and their carers
Author(s)Susan Koch, Rhonda Nay
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 22.4, December 2003
Pagespp 191-195
KeywordsElder abuse ; Dementia ; Informal care ; Australia.
AnnotationAn expert reference group, a comprehensive literature review, discussion forums and in-depth interviews were used in this study on reducing abuse of older people with dementia and their carers. Attempting to develop one concise definition of abuse can be unhelpful, and cases should instead be assessed in relation to their unique contexts. Participants expressed a need for better education and availability of information about elder abuse related to dementia. They also clearly identified that a preventative approach is integral to successfully reducing abuse, and that any formal intervention needs to reflect the unique set of circumstances pertaining to abuse of each person with dementia and/or their carers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040216202 A
ClassmarkQNT: EA: P6: 7YA

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