Centre for Policy on Ageing


Aspects of the economics of an ageing population
 — 4th report, House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs, session 2002-03. Vols 1 and 2: [Report and minutes of evidence]
Corporate AuthorSelect Committee on Economic Affairs, House of Lords
PublisherTSO, London, 2004
Pages1 CD (HL 2002/03 179-I and II)
SourceTSO, PO Box 29, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Website: www.tso.co.uk/bookshop
KeywordsAgeing process ; Economics ; Employment of older people ; Ageism ; Retirement ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Committee sets out the demographic and macroeconomic contexts, identifying the causes of population ageing. The importance of increasing the labour force participation of older workers is emphasised, noting supply-side and demand-side factors in relation to productivity and skills. The elimination of age discrimination in both public and private sectors is advocated. Consumption issues such as the market failure in the design, provision and marketing of goods and services are considered. The report also deals with retirement income, drawing attention to the particular problems of women and ethnic minorities in making adequate pension provision, and to the excessive complexity of the public pension system. This CD version contains the report and accompanying evidence, and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040216001 CD
ClassmarkBG: W: GC: B:TOB: G3: 6OA

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