Centre for Policy on Ageing


Implementing 'Building capacity and partnership in care'
 — from principles to practice. A joint independent sector/ADSS discussion document
Corporate AuthorAssociation of Directors of Social Services - ADSS; Department of Health - DH
PublisherAssociation of Directors of Social Services - ADSS, London, 2003
Pages24 pp
SourceAssociation of Directors of Social Services, Third floor, Local Government House, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ. www.adss.org.uk
KeywordsHealth services ; National Health Service ; Coordination ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Voluntary housing agencies ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis document follows on from the publication of "Building Capacity and Partnership in Care in October 2001, which launched a new agreement between the statutory and independent care sectors. The 2001 agreement related to health care provision to nursing and residential care homes, home care, ordinary and sheltered housing and other community based options. The agreement concentrated on five areas: focusing on people using services (including as patients) and their carers; information for good commissioning; strategic planning; building capacity, confidence and stability; and joint working. This publication under review tries to identify how the original agreement is being implemented locally and in so doing, encourage others to draw on the examples given and progress their partnerships. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-040121201 B
ClassmarkL: L4: QAJ: KW: LHB: KK: 583

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